The application of air quality and other gas sensors in cinemas

2024-05-16 09:33:40

A cinema is a high-density gathering place where people gather. The decoration of the cinema is relatively luxurious, and the indoor environment is relatively closed. Due to the high density of people, it is inevitable to bring various air quality pollution problems, such as outdoor PM2.5, indoor decoration pollution, human exhalation of carbon dioxide, bacterial growth and virus transmission. How to enable the audience to experience the artistic enjoyment brought by the movie within 2-3 hours of watching it, and effectively ensure the health and safety of the audience, while improving the competitiveness of the cinema, attracting more viewers to come to the cinema to watch the movie, and improving the profitability of the cinema. This is a question that cinema managers need to think about together.


Types of pollutants in cinemas: outdoor environmental pollution (particulate matter, etc.)+decoration pollution (HCHO/benzene series/VOC)+indoor biological activity producing PM2.5+CO2+HCHO/VOC+bacteria (viruses).

PM2.5 and other particulate matter - hazard level: ★★★★★

According to relevant data statistics, in many public places, even if doors and windows are tightly closed on hazy days, the indoor PM2.5 concentration is still very close to outdoor haze. When people are exposed to severe haze pollution for a long time, it is easy to induce various discomforts such as respiratory and nervous systems. It is extremely important to eliminate the impact of haze on audiences in service places such as cinemas.

Indoor formaldehyde and TVOC - Hazard level: ★★★★★

Modern indoor coatings, tables and chairs, and other equipment can emit chemical pollutants such as formaldehyde and TVOC, and this is a continuous process, and the volatilization of formaldehyde does not suddenly end. Under closed conditions, there are many similar chemical pollutants. In relatively enclosed and luxurious cinemas, these pollutants can accumulate indoors and cause harm to the human body.

High concentration carbon dioxide - hazard level: ★★★★☆

Each person exhales approximately 15-20 liters of carbon dioxide per hour. With exercise and other activities, this value can rapidly increase, even reaching 50-60 liters per hour. In the relatively closed conditions of doors and windows at night, with a decrease in indoor oxygen content and the accumulation of carbon dioxide content, the human body will correspondingly experience stress induced hypoxia symptoms such as mental fatigue and fatigue, which greatly reduces people's excitement and viewing efficiency, and also affects their perception and comments on the film.

Bacteria and viruses - Hazard level: ★★★★★

Cinemas are places with particularly high crowd density. When the flu arrives, people need to stay up close in the same relatively enclosed space for 3 hours. During this process, if air pollutants are not effectively treated, audiences are prone to the spread of the flu virus. There is also a potential threat to the impact of respiratory infectious diseases on others, especially during the flu winter, which can seriously affect people's choices and judgments about what kind of cinema to watch movies in.

In summary, air quality testing and purification in cinemas are very necessary.

The current better solution for cinema environment is a closed-loop solution of "monitoring+governance".

Monitoring: Detecting indoor air quality through various types of air quality gas sensors and developing environmental intervention measures based on air quality.

Governance: including solutions for formaldehyde treatment, air purifier application, fresh air purification, sterilization and disinfection. Especially the fresh air purification solution is currently a commonly used and effective solution. As an indoor space, cinemas and cinemas should comply with the GB/T18883-2002 Indoor Air Quality Standards formulated by the Ministry of Health. The GB/T18883-2002 standard involves a total of 19 indoor environmental physical, chemical, biological, and radioactive indicators, such as temperature, humidity, carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, formaldehyde, toluene, etc. The per capita fresh air content in cinemas is lower and needs to reach 30m ³/ H; To meet the requirements of air purification, the ventilation frequency of public spaces should not be less than 2 times per hour, while meeting the per capita fresh air volume.

label: Gas sensor