Development of sleep monitor control board solution

2024-05-17 10:42:38

Classification of companies for the development and design of sleep monitor control board solutions

1. Low frequency electromagnetic stimulation induces sleep, with computer controlled settings. Through the pillow as a carrier, the magnetic field emitted simulates human brain waves, gradually reducing the level of excitement and inducing sleep.

2. Traditional biofeedback therapy stimulates sensory perception and enters the brain, which is processed by the brain and transmitted to the computer to further trigger changes in the stimulation information, and then enters the brain in a cyclic manner. The brain's electrophysiological activities self regulate to achieve the goal of treating sleep.

3. Digital frequency synthesis of biomimetic electric waves, digital frequency synthesis of biomimetic electric waves to stimulate the cerebellar fastigial nucleus, reduce brain excitability, improve and enhance sleep function.

The functional role of a sleep monitor control board solution development and design company

1. Quickly release head pressure, soothe the body and mind, and eliminate fatigue;

2. Smooth the head meridians, calm the mind, strengthen memory, and restore natural vitality faster;

3. Quickly relax and tighten muscles and nerves, relieve head pain and dizziness;

4. Nourish the brain, strengthen blood circulation in the brain, effectively improve and promote sleep, and enjoy high-quality sleep.

The above configuration information is for reference only. Our company can make matching parameters based on different sleep monitor circuit boards, different usage environments, and different functional requirements, and can provide a hardware configuration book.

As long as you provide functional requirements for the product, or even just a concept, we can design the control circuit of the product according to your requirements to achieve the desired function.

Sleep monitor control board solution development and design company

The services provided include: development and processing of control boards; Electronic product development; PCB design; PCB copying and sampling for mass production; Functional modifications; Line improvement; Chip decryption; Post welding processing, etc.

The areas of service include: electronics; Electrician; Toys; Gift handicrafts; Automobile; Lighting; Digital home appliances; Refrigeration heat transfer; Mechanical; Medical treatment, etc.

Welcome to inquire about the development and design of the sleep monitor control board, as well as the production of the sleep monitor PCB circuit board. The development and design of the sleep monitor PCB circuit board, as well as the design and production of the sleep monitor control board, are welcome!

Sleep monitor control board, sleep monitor solution development, sleep monitor design company